Why you should keep buying more bright shiny objects

Almost 2 decades ago:

I was learning the ropes. Of making bank online.

Big bank. Small bank. Rich bank. Piggy bank.

Along with several other friends. On a private internet marketing forum. Run by one of the world’s top online marketers at the time.

We all started in the same place.

But 10 years later…

I’d already earned enough coin to retire.

And I was talking to one of those old forum friends on Skype one day. Just catching up. Asking how the family was doing. How the online business was going.

And he just mentioned how he was still struggling at his day job.

Still hustling.

Trying to make enough online to quit.

So he could finally start travelling. Playing with his kids. And doing stuff he loved.

I quickly tried to understand his strengths, his weaknesses, etc. And after doing so, I recommended him a course that I thought suited his natural talents well. With a business model that I was pretty sure he’d excel at given his natural aptitudes.

He declined.

Saying that he’d already quit buying courses. And wanted to just focus on one thing. And talked about how buying course after course just left him spinning his wheels.

He wasn’t getting anywhere.


Following up with him year after year, and every year seeing him still in the same position as the last…

It looks like he wasn’t getting anywhere even when NOT buying courses either!

Which brings me to my point:

Obviously, buying new stuff isn’t the problem.

It’s more about WHAT you buy that makes the difference.

Truth be told, I’ve tested this before and…

… the more I buy, the more money I make, and…

… the less I buy, the less money I start to make!

Not only that.

But when I buy less stuff, my health and happiness starts going down too.

The key though, is…

… you have to be buying the right stuff!


I don’t even think you should be buying courses if you’re just starting out.

You should be buying books.

Basic books. On direct-response copywriting and marketing. By the great masters.

So that when you finally start buying courses (after you’ve mastered the fundamentals), you can actually see the big picture. How all the puzzle pieces fit together. Without having to figure it all out yourself. And you’ll soon see how almost everyone online is literally getting scammed. Because they have no idea what they’re doing.


You don’t even need to buy books.

Just borrow them from the library. If you can find them.

And save your funds for quality resources that help you execute on those fundamentals instead. Like my “A.I. Content Apocalypse” survival PLR pack.

It’s pretty interesting though…

… how I’ve structured this PLR email pack.

You actually learn new stuff (and fundamentals) while you’re going through the PLR! So it’s like getting a mini-library and PLR all bundled into one.

You can behold how bright and shiny it is here:


Keep it simple, my friend.

Allen Walker
The Mysterious Marketer

By: Allen Walker, The Mysterious Marketer

Written by my hand, on