(*Like a genius chess grandmaster who shockingly predicts his opponent’s every move…!)
For just $19.97, I’m 100% confident you’ll be able to predict whether your PLR will sell or not (and whether it’ll be a ‘hard-sell’ or an ‘easy-sell’) before you buy it… and you’ll be able to do it immediately after reading through this quick training!
Because I’m so confident, if you don’t immediately feel you got 10x the value of your $19.97 investment…
I’ll Give You Your Money Back!
When you sign up, here’s what you’ll discover:
- A simple, but mostly overlooked, principle that Chess and Martial Arts champions use to ‘force’ victory for themselves from the very beginning. (And how you can use the same principle to safely predict whether that next PLR buy is gonna be a ‘quick flip’ or a ‘sales flop’…) (Page 4)
- The ‘mental gap’ that leaves both college kids and PLR resellers in tons of debt. And how to avoid it happening to you. (Page 5)
- The ‘Pizza-Production Principle’ I learned (while training under 2 of the only 4 Master Chefs in the country) that makes sure you don’t get ‘burnt’ while buying piping hot PLR out of the oven. (Page 6)
- The only type of traffic you should be getting to your PLR up front. And if you can’t get this type of traffic? Don’t buy it! (Page 7)
- The ‘prophetic question’ you should be asking yourself before buying any PLR… that determines how long it’ll take to sell that PLR! (Page 8)
- How to cut down on PLR ‘impulse buys’ that end up getting you nowhere, while leaving your wallet and bank account several pounds lighter. (Page 11)
- A ‘contrarian’ move you can make that drastically slashes the time between buying PLR to selling that PLR. And reduces the risk of ‘no-sell’ hell! (Page 11)
- Advice from my $100 million a year business mentor – What a ‘Tomato Juice entrepreneur’ did, that you must never forget to do before making a PLR investment if you hate the idea of flushing money down the toilet and looking dumb while you do it! (Page 12)
- The “3 Pawns Theory” of quick and easy PLR Profit Maximization. (Page 14)
- And… the 3 vital pieces of info you need to get from those “3 pawns” if you want to avoid making yet another loss on your investment! (Page 14)
- How to take a glance and (almost instantly) tell the difference between a ‘hard sell’ and an ‘easy sell’ PLR or info-product. (Page 19)
- The PLR profit-predicting ‘move’ that will likely save you more than 10x the value of your investment into this training. (Page 20)
- The one thing this World Champion swimmer didn’t see in the water, while attempting to set another world-record, that totally destroyed her run… And if you don’t see this when buying your next PLR? Get out of those waters NOW! (Page 20)
- WARNING: This super popular type of PLR product fills up almost 50% of my inbox… because almost everyone is creating and trying to sell some. But buying it is either a sure-loss, or an extremely hard-won profit that’ll have you pissing blood and leaking tears! So beware! (Page 23)
- The ‘decision-making algorithm’ running inside the heads of both the average customer and chess player, and… how you can ‘hack’ into that algorithm to dramatically increase the amount of money they throw at you! (Page 27)
- The secret to making PLR, or just about anything, sell like hot pizza out of the oven! (You won’t read about this in any marketing book or course… because… it’s something I picked up while working as a process engineer… from one of the most valuable manufacturing companies in the world!) (Page 29)
- The super simple Japanese ‘4S Equation’ that even a grade-flunking kid can run in their head… and instantly know whether a PLR is going to be an ‘easy sell’ or not. (Page 30)
- The types of PLR that can actually make people ignore the price! (Page 31)
- The cross-cultural, cross-dimensional ‘trick’ for finding ‘hidden gold’ PLR that can make you an ungodly number of sales with very little effort. (Page 41)
- PLR products that increase customer satisfaction. (Page 41)
- PLR products that DON’T increase customer satisfaction. (Page 41)
- Why I never buy “Made in China” PLR, but your customers might… and… what to do about it to squeeze out the maximum numbers of sales possible! (Page 44)
- The “Snowman Success” principle that took Dude Perfect from being bored, geeky kids doing trickshots in their backyard, to… becoming worldwide YouTube phenoms with 60 million subscribers, and… launching their careers into outer space on Jeff Bezo’s rocketship! (And why you need to make sure the PLR you buy has this exact same principle if you want people to be irresistibly attracted to it like ants to honey!) (Page 45)
- ‘Value Calculation Rankings’ that run subconsciously at the back of your customers’ heads… and how you can ‘tweak’ these to calculate whether they’ll want to buy your PLR or not! (Page 48)
- The principle behind Chess A.I. that’s churning out more and more powerful chessmasters every year and… how you can use it to predict sales for your next PLR purchase without using any A.I.! (Page 50)
- How do you know when a market is overcrowded? Is there such a thing as overcrowded? The answers may shock you. But not having these answers will shock you (and your business profits) even more… in a disastrous way! (Page 59)
What You Need To Do Now:
Sign up by clicking the link below.
You’ll be taken to a form where you input your payment details.
As soon as you fill out and submit the form, you’ll be taken to a page where you can instantly download my 5 Minute PLR Profit Predictions system.
The price right now is just $19.97 as an introductory special offer.
In the very near future the price will increase to reflect the true value. Sign up now or you’ll have to pay more for this later.
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